Blog en Amazon y Marketplaces

How to take advantage of dates like Valentine’s Day on Amazon

If you have a product for sale on Amazon or are thinking about how to start selling on the leading

How to create successful strategies in Mercado Libre

Through the Marketplaces you can find various products or services anywhere in the world and at any time so it

Everything you need to know about the RAP regulation on Amazon

If you sell in Germany or France via Amazon this interests you At the end of 2021 Amazon sent a

Customize the images of the detail sheets for each country through Amazon Seller

It is now possible to customize the images of the detail sheets for each country through Amazon Seller Yes it

Amazon Advertising: 4 Phases of the Product Life Cycle

As we have commented in other posts on this blog it is very important to identify the opportunities that Amazon

Consumer trends for 2022

Since 2020 the consumer purchasing trend has been evolving and changing due to the situations we have experienced For example

2021, the year of the Marketplaces

There is no going back marketplaces have become unstoppable Unprecedented events like the ones we experienced last year had

Drive external traffic to Amazon and maximize your results

If you are looking for new ways to increase visits to your products within Amazon and as a consequence increase

Amazon Store: what it is and how to get the most out of it

Amazon offers sellers multiple tools and ways to improve the user experience when buying their product and also to make